Chairperson- Stefanie McGrath

Sustainable Education
ASFG has a long trajectory in educating students and their families for sustainability. The use of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has allowed us to share common vocabulary surrounding sustainable education. With the use of systems thinking tools, students are encouraged to think deeply about the interconnections between society, environment, well-being, and economics. These tools allow us to develop critical thinking skills and become complex thinkers. Below are a few examples of how sustainable education has transformed our learning community.
The Learning Garden’s mission is to provide hands-on experiences that connect students to food, nature, and each other while systematically addressing climate change, public health, and social inequality. At its heart is a dynamic and joyful learning experience for every child. It is hard to think of something that can’t be learned outdoors.
Earth Week is an annual event that the school community celebrates all the while maintaining the ethos that “everyday is Earth Day”. With the entire school community setting a focus, deeper cross section explorations and dual academic programs align to support students and families.
Through the use of systems thinking tools, students are encouraged to use interconnectedness when approaching learning and thinking. Tools such as compass mapping, causal loop diagram, iceberg visual, behavior over time graph, and ladder of inference are used to explore content more deeply.
Healthy Campus
For over two decades, school policies have favored the purchasing of environmentally-friendly options. Procedures are promoted that encourage reuse and reduce waste and unnecessary consumption. Large-scale composting of cafeteria organic waste has been ongoing since 2011. Solar panels and photovoltaic panels have reduced our campus footprint significantly.
Families are encouraged to travel to carpool to school, or travel by bicycle or bus through provision of our bus service and bike storage racks on campus. Water conservation is achieved through a range of initiatives such as installation of an artificial grass soccer field, permeable concrete basketball courts, and water-saving sensors in bathrooms. Campus gardens and green spaces have long been preserved, promoted and extended where possible. Priority is given to native species, pollinators and student-grown vegetable gardens.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
ASFG is proud to have been awarded Gold certification within the LEED framework demonstrating our exceptional commitment to sustainable design, construction, and operation. LEED certification for schools is a rigorous and internationally recognized green building rating system that evaluates the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency of educational facilities. We used eco-friendly building materials, installed energy-efficient systems, optimized water usage and rainwater collection, and designed numerous indoor-outdoor spaces that maximize fresh air circulation and natural light. Furthermore, we use our building as a “living laboratory” where sustainability curriculum is explored using the building’s data and design principles. LEED Gold certification showcases ASFG’s dedication to environmental stewardship and serves as a source of pride and inspiration for the entire school community, fostering a culture of sustainability and responsibility.
Promotion of Habitat Protection
A Monarch Waystation and Pollinator Gardens are abundant on our school’s campus. Students interact with these spaces and learn about the essential role our pollinators take in creating food.
Responsibility towards Waste Management
ASFG houses a community recycling center and a cafeteria & garden waste composting center. We offer how-to talks to support responsible waste management in homes to further support our environmentally responsible actions in our community members.
Reduction of Our Footprint
ASFG has taken many quantifiable actions to support the reduction of the school’s footprint. In 2012, ASFG Green, with the support from a senior project, tackled the problem of single use plastics on campus. We have since eliminated all single use plastics from every corner of campus! Another example of reducing our footprint is evident in our efforts to support sustainable motor transportation. We offer safe bussing options, bicycle racks, and carpool benefits for families and staff.
School and greater community

ASFG students have been supporting ecological causes for more than 20 years. Through service learning projects our students help marginalized communities and families in need, plant trees to support reforestation, raise funds to combat hunger, and volunteer their time to clean up local streets and parks to name a few. Student activism clubs have been created to promote sustainability, such as the No Mas Bolsas group who worked with local government representatives to rid plastic bags in Jalisco. In seeking to inspire and educate the wider community we host an annual Eco-Race in conjunction with a Farmer's Market.
ASFG has been recognized by the Secretaría del Medio Ambiente para el Desarollo Sustentables (SEMADES) as part of its “Model School” program and by the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), as part of its “Green School” program, who awarded our school with the highest level recognition, “Environmental Leaders”. We were also nationally recognized in the Ecological Merit Award 2013 by receiving “Honorific Mention”. To form responsible and committed citizens to work for a sustainable future is the legacy that ASFG strives to leave for future generations.
ASFG's constituents take action to make a positive contribution to the greater community.